Krazy Keys: Tips to Extend the Lifespan of Your Car Keys

Nobody can differ that modern society would be motionless without cars. And, for cars, key fobs are an integral part of it as nobody would be able to drive one without it. Car keys are valuable for starting the car, but the additional features ensure safety, and losing your car key would require a good sum of money to replace it. Hence, it is essential to take care of your car keys and extend their lifespan.   

Continue reading “Krazy Keys: Tips to Extend the Lifespan of Your Car Keys”

Facts About Car Key Replacement

If you drive any vehicle, you may have come across issues with your Car Keys. Many things can occur to your car, and that may lead to a broken door, a jammed door, and others. In those cases, repairing or replacing your car keys remains mandatory so your valuables can stay protected. This article focuses on some common facts about car key replacement.

Five Facts About Car Key Replacement:

1. Almost All Keys Are Replaceable

It doesn’t matter what type of key or technology you have on your car door; expert locksmiths can rebuild and replace any kind of key with suitable tools. However, different methods and solutions bear different results.

2. Key replacements are quicker than people think.

Many people think that replacing a car key requires days of time. In reality, the whole process can be done in a day or in some hours. The required time although depends on the type of repair or replacement, and sometimes different types of keys, such as Transponder keys take a bit more time due to their complicated parts.

3. Cheap solutions are not always the best.

In general, people tend to believe car keys are costly to replace. Moreover, if the car has transponder keys or some other type that has a microchip and other complicated parts, the replacement cost gets even higher. That is why they tend to go for a cheaper replacement.

However, going cheap can cost you in the long run. Using a cheaper model for your car can damage easily, and you would need to fix it again, costing you more. With that, when you are hiring an unregistered Perth locksmith, you don’t restrict the number of copies they make. Hence, any locksmith with evil intentions can make a copy of your car key and use it for personal, malicious reasons. That is why reaching out to a registered locksmith is always recommended.

4. Describing the Locking Mechanism Is Mandatory for Quick Replacement

If you think of getting your car key replaced, you must reach out to a legitimate car locksmith and describe the model of your car and the specific type of locking mechanism it has. It is best to invite the locksmith over or take the car to the workshop to let the locksmith have a better look before getting the solution.

Making a copy of any lock has become extremely easy, thanks to advanced technology and precise pieces of machinery. An experienced locksmith will replace any key, even lost car keys.

Car Keys

5. Compare prices and check for genuine parts.

Your car brand can replace your car keys at the showroom; however, the total charge for the procedure can be a bit expensive. Hence, always check with your local registered locksmiths and compare the prices to land the most suitable deal possible.

Car key replacement is a simple deal, and it can be performed by a professional locksmith at a minimal cost. The experts at Krazy Keys have been providing all types of car key solutions at effective prices, making them the best in the Perth region.  

Understanding the Factors Behind Car Key Malfunctions

Most car owners face problems when their car keys stop working. It can get frustrating, especially if you are running late and do not have a spare key. While a car key can get damaged over time, there are many other reasons, such as a broken car lock, for its malfunctioning. Of course, the car key blade could also get physically damaged.

Continue reading “Understanding the Factors Behind Car Key Malfunctions”

Top Solutions, Reasons, and Risks for a Stuck Car Key in the Ignition

A stick car key in the ignition needs an immediate address from car key services. But the question is how can you understand the seriousness of it and how to know what went wrong! In this guide, we will answer these common questions and tell you ways to fix the car key ignition sticking.

Continue reading “Top Solutions, Reasons, and Risks for a Stuck Car Key in the Ignition”

Where To Purchase A New Smart Car Key For A Car?

One fact that all drivers will agree on is that the thought of losing Car keys has come across at least once. Smart car keys or car key fobs have a habit of getting lost, so most of us have to think of alternatives when that happens. Most of them keep a spare key so they don’t get in trouble and use that before getting a replacement. However, some cars heavily rely on smart fobs, so getting another one remains the only option. Before heading right to a car key repairing shop, you should check your options. 

The Ultimate Guide to Car Keys, Locks, and Responders

Those days when people lost their car keys, all they would do is just take their backup key to a locksmith and get a replica for a fair price. However, thanks to advances and improvements in the auto sector, things are swiftly shifting. Due to transponder keys technology, a modern vehicle key may remotely unlock your door in addition to starting your car’s engine. Although these additional features and capabilities are a good bonus, they make the process of getting new high-security car keys more difficult.

Continue reading “The Ultimate Guide to Car Keys, Locks, and Responders”

10 Secret Uses for Your Car Key Fob

How much importance did you pay for your car key fob? Do you use your car key fob only to lock the key and unlock the doors of your car?

Well, if you were just using it to perform this, you are seriously taking a speck of its vast potential.

What Is A Car Key Fob?

A car key fob is tiny remote equipment that helps you control a keyless system. With its help, you would not need vehicle keys to unlock your car. The car key fob obtains the frequency of radio to make communication with the car for control.

duplicate car key Service

Top 10 Secret Uses of Car Key Fobs:

Now that you know about car key fobs, it’s time to unfold the mystery of their secret uses. 

Remote Start

Some cars allow you to remote start during freezing weather if it is legal in your state. Just search for the remote engine start button that usually has a circular arrow.

Lower All Windows  

Rolling all your windows down at once is a common secret function that your car key fob has to offer. You can just press your unlock button once or twice within 10 seconds. Hold it down for the second time unless and until all your car windows open.

Fold Mirrors

If your car does not fold mirrors automatically when you lock, try to hold your car key fob lock button for about 10 seconds. 

Vehicle Summon

If you want to activate the vehicle summons, press the center button of the key fob till the hazard light starts flashing. For pulling the car forward, press the front button, release and press it again to stop. 

To bring the car backward, press the top of the key fob unless the hazard light flashes and press back. Finally, press the back button for the second time to stop.

Make Your Night Secure

Almost every car key fob has a panic button to set up the emergency alert system. This makes it easy to find your car in crowded places as well as ward off car thieves in deserted places.

Avoid Home Break-ins

Your car key fob can even deter home break-ins. If you listen to something fishy at night, press the panic button to scare the criminals and save your house from break-ins.

Unlock Your Car

This may not appear to be a secret, but what if your car key fob runs out of battery? Luckily, most car key fobs also have the option of a mechanical key folded inside. 

If your car key fob does not have that option, we recommend you to get a duplicate car key Service from Krazy Keys.

Parkin Crowded Spaces

With a key fob, no need to think about scraping another car. The summon feature stops the vehicle whenever it detects obstacles without a driver inside the car.

Unlock Trunk

Now unlocking the trunk of your car has become much handier with the advanced key fob. Click the button once, and your back hatch will open. 

Adjust Car Seats

Some car key fobs even allow you to set a memory on seat adjustments. So, when you get into the car, the key fob number will detect who is sitting on the driving seat. Then you can easily adjust the seat and “vroom” away!

car key fob

Often you may not get these services or need an automotive locksmith in Perth to resolve your key problems. So, if you want cheap locksmith Perth, visit Krazy Keys to get trustworthy duplicate car key services for your car.

4 Types of Car Keys You Must Know – How Much Do They Cost?

You can never tell when you will need to replace your car keys, but you can be ready. With keys, anything can happen. They can get lost or stolen, break in the ignition, etc. For most, it is easier just to have your locksmith on speed dial. Yet, it also helps to know the type of car keys you have. That way, you can know the potential costs beforehand in case disaster strikes.

Traditional Keys

The simplest option often found in older car models. Traditional keys work manually and have no smart system, so, any key cutting machines can make them. However, they are quite insecure and are much easier to pick. Traditional keys can be mechanical-cut or laser-cut.

Mechanical cut keys: These keys have a pattern along one edge of the blade. They can also be made on a die-punch.

Laser-cut keys: These keys have identical cuts on both sides of the blade and can therefore fit the ignition from either side. These are harder to pick than the mechanical ones, making them more secure.

Costs of Replacement: A$5

Complicated Fix: A$250 upwards

Master Key: Until recently, master keys helped to develop replacements for some traditional key types. However, most vehicles nowadays do not come with master keys. The makers store the data in a central database used to reprogram the car for a replacement key. You should ensure you check for a master key provision if you are buying a used or old car.

Costs of Replacement: A$130 to A$200

Transponder Key

Transponder keys are generally more secure. Why?

transponder keys

These contain chips which react with the transponder and activate it when you insert the key into the ignition. Commodore keys, flip keys for example, are often built like this. The transponder keys can be expensive to replace. They cost between A$50 to A$130. It gets higher if you want to replace the lock entirely, especially at a dealership.

However, other car key specialists like Krazy Keys can do it for you at a lower price.

The Moving Code Key: Here, it sends a new code every time you use the car. An example of this functionality in use is with the Holden Commodore keys. Moving code makes the lock more secure, but also more expensive.

Costs of Replacement: A$650

Flip Keys: This key folds into the handle and pops up when you press the button. Flip keys work with transponders too. If anything happens to it, it can be quite pricey to replace.

Costs of Replacement: A$250 -A$300

Blade or Handle: A$100

Valet Key

Some brands, especially luxury and sports cars, come with keys explicitly made for valets. Valet keys allow you to open the car and start it. However, you cannot access the truck or any other storage compartments. The costs for replacing valet keys vary with different car models.

Costs of Replacement: A$80 to A$130

Smart Key

Smart keys are fitted with remote programming features. If the key is within the car’s vicinity, it allows you to unlock and start the vehicle by pushing a button. The programmable features ensure tighter security.

Most car key specialists can help with smart keys. However, they are tricky and more expensive to replace because of their complexity.

Costs of Replacement: A$250 to A$500

If you lose your car keys or just need spare ones, Krazy Keys will provide you with an unforgettable and hassle-free service for almost all car models.

Smart Car Keys with Latest Technology and its Future

In today’s world, many useful innovations are becoming accessible to the mass public, especially when it comes to the automobile industry. One of the most exciting and exciting development there are smart car keys which make issues such as lost car keys none existent. Continue reading “Smart Car Keys with Latest Technology and its Future”

Difference Between Modern and Old Car Keys Features

Comparing modern and old car keys features should be among the things that make top list for any car enthusiast. It is not only thrilling and exciting but it could also helps novices in the industry know the type of car key they are using and its advantages.

As experts in the field of car keys, we will be highlighting the differences between modern and old car keys. Continue reading “Difference Between Modern and Old Car Keys Features”