Is it Possible to Make a Copy of the Transponder Car Keys?

Most automobile brands manufacture transponder keys to ensure an anti-theft security solution. So, the main purpose of the transponder keys is to protect your car from duplicated keys created by nefarious persons. Car manufacturers design transponder keys that cannot be duplicated easily. But, what will you do when you have lost or broken your transponder car keys? Only car locksmiths at Krazy Keys can help you in this situation.

Continue reading “Is it Possible to Make a Copy of the Transponder Car Keys?”

Where To Purchase A New Smart Car Key For A Car?

One fact that all drivers will agree on is that the thought of losing Car keys has come across at least once. Smart car keys or car key fobs have a habit of getting lost, so most of us have to think of alternatives when that happens. Most of them keep a spare key so they don’t get in trouble and use that before getting a replacement. However, some cars heavily rely on smart fobs, so getting another one remains the only option. Before heading right to a car key repairing shop, you should check your options. 

Duplicate Car Keys With Chips – Automotive Locksmith Perth

Transponder car keys, often known as chip keys, have significantly increased vehicle security. Chip keys are created using digital codes that are used to connect with a transponder-equipped car. This increases security and lowers the likelihood that your car will be stolen.

But have you ever questioned how a locksmith is able to make a car key copy that has a security chip in it? Think again if you believe that this is impossible! The locksmith industry has grown to meet needs like these as automotive security has, as well.

Here at Krazy Keys, we are a car key repairing company, and we have information for you if you want to know more about how a car key with a security chip can be duplicated. Please read on for more information.

Continue reading Duplicate Car Keys With Chips – Automotive Locksmith Perth

How Much Does A Car Diagnostic Test Cost?

The costs for car diagnostics vary frequently depending on the hourly rate and the garage. Some mechanics will even take the cost of your diagnostic off your bill if you buy the components and labor from them. Overall, it is worth it if you invest in car diagnostics, diagnosing a car is well worth the money spent to fix any problems with your car’s engine, exhaust, transmission, or injectors. You can acquire a list of advanced car diagnostics prices from Krazy Keys at your convenience.

Continue reading “How Much Does A Car Diagnostic Test Cost?”

10 Secret Uses for Your Car Key Fob

How much importance did you pay for your car key fob? Do you use your car key fob only to lock the key and unlock the doors of your car?

Well, if you were just using it to perform this, you are seriously taking a speck of its vast potential.

What Is A Car Key Fob?

A car key fob is tiny remote equipment that helps you control a keyless system. With its help, you would not need vehicle keys to unlock your car. The car key fob obtains the frequency of radio to make communication with the car for control.

duplicate car key Service

Top 10 Secret Uses of Car Key Fobs:

Now that you know about car key fobs, it’s time to unfold the mystery of their secret uses. 

Remote Start

Some cars allow you to remote start during freezing weather if it is legal in your state. Just search for the remote engine start button that usually has a circular arrow.

Lower All Windows  

Rolling all your windows down at once is a common secret function that your car key fob has to offer. You can just press your unlock button once or twice within 10 seconds. Hold it down for the second time unless and until all your car windows open.

Fold Mirrors

If your car does not fold mirrors automatically when you lock, try to hold your car key fob lock button for about 10 seconds. 

Vehicle Summon

If you want to activate the vehicle summons, press the center button of the key fob till the hazard light starts flashing. For pulling the car forward, press the front button, release and press it again to stop. 

To bring the car backward, press the top of the key fob unless the hazard light flashes and press back. Finally, press the back button for the second time to stop.

Make Your Night Secure

Almost every car key fob has a panic button to set up the emergency alert system. This makes it easy to find your car in crowded places as well as ward off car thieves in deserted places.

Avoid Home Break-ins

Your car key fob can even deter home break-ins. If you listen to something fishy at night, press the panic button to scare the criminals and save your house from break-ins.

Unlock Your Car

This may not appear to be a secret, but what if your car key fob runs out of battery? Luckily, most car key fobs also have the option of a mechanical key folded inside. 

If your car key fob does not have that option, we recommend you to get a duplicate car key Service from Krazy Keys.

Parkin Crowded Spaces

With a key fob, no need to think about scraping another car. The summon feature stops the vehicle whenever it detects obstacles without a driver inside the car.

Unlock Trunk

Now unlocking the trunk of your car has become much handier with the advanced key fob. Click the button once, and your back hatch will open. 

Adjust Car Seats

Some car key fobs even allow you to set a memory on seat adjustments. So, when you get into the car, the key fob number will detect who is sitting on the driving seat. Then you can easily adjust the seat and “vroom” away!

car key fob

Often you may not get these services or need an automotive locksmith in Perth to resolve your key problems. So, if you want cheap locksmith Perth, visit Krazy Keys to get trustworthy duplicate car key services for your car.