Is it Possible to Make a Copy of the Transponder Car Keys?

Most automobile brands manufacture transponder keys to ensure an anti-theft security solution. So, the main purpose of the transponder keys is to protect your car from duplicated keys created by nefarious persons. Car manufacturers design transponder keys that cannot be duplicated easily. But, what will you do when you have lost or broken your transponder car keys? Only car locksmiths at Krazy Keys can help you in this situation.

Continue reading “Is it Possible to Make a Copy of the Transponder Car Keys?”

Duplicate Car Keys With Chips – Automotive Locksmith Perth

Transponder car keys, often known as chip keys, have significantly increased vehicle security. Chip keys are created using digital codes that are used to connect with a transponder-equipped car. This increases security and lowers the likelihood that your car will be stolen.

But have you ever questioned how a locksmith is able to make a car key copy that has a security chip in it? Think again if you believe that this is impossible! The locksmith industry has grown to meet needs like these as automotive security has, as well.

Here at Krazy Keys, we are a car key repairing company, and we have information for you if you want to know more about how a car key with a security chip can be duplicated. Please read on for more information.

Continue reading Duplicate Car Keys With Chips – Automotive Locksmith Perth

What Services Do Automotive Locksmiths Offer?

One of the most demanded services currently is automotive locksmithing services. It’s also one of the most vital services because everyone wants to be safe at all times and in any area. People frequently find themselves in situations when they are unsure of how to obtain a new key. It’s always a good idea to contact a professional Automotive locksmith whenever their services are needed.

Are you thinking of the type of service an Automotive Locksmith can offer you? Let’s take a look at all of the advantages of employing an auto locksmith, and what they can offer you.

car key replacement

An Automotive Locksmith Will Assist With the Replacement of Your Car Ignition Switch

A defective ignition switch is likely to be the source of your car’s inability to start. When a car refuses to start, many people go out and get a new battery, but that might not fix the problem with the ignition switch. The vehicle will not start if power is cut at the key’s turning position. This is especially true when there is an issue with the ignition switch.

After recovering all the necessary components, replacing an ignition switch takes about 1-2 hours. From start to finish, we are an expert automobile locksmith who can handle your ignition switch replacement.

An Automotive Locksmith Will Assist With Your Car Key Repairing

Car keys, phones, and glasses are the most frequently missing or lost items. If you can’t find your keys, for your car key repair, consider having an Auto Locksmith come to your location, make you a new car key, and get you back on the road in no time.

We can provide you with a free quote and arrive at your place in 20-30 minutes, where we can also cut a new key on the spot using our cutting-edge tools. It’s worth noting that buying a new bike is more expensive than having one manufactured. This also relieves you of the responsibility of having someone drop you up and pick you up.

When your key is untraceable, the best technique is to solve the situation right away.           

An Automotive Locksmith Will Assist You with the Extraction of Your Broken Keys

Keys have a long lifespan, especially when they are brand new. After months and years of use, they do wear out and become more delicate. Insert delicate and bent keys into numerous keyholes on a vehicle, and the keys will be damaged or broken off before you know it. You won’t be able to lock or even start your car if you do this. Furthermore, you may be unable to access the trunks and other storage areas.

Specialized technologies and techniques will be used to extract the key from your vehicle if this occurs. Our experienced team is used to extracting keys, and if the broken key has damaged your lock, we can replace it on-site as well. It doesn’t matter how difficult the extraction is; you’ll be back on your feet and in peace in no time. This operation will be completed without inflicting any harm on your vehicle.

An Automotive Locksmith Will Help You to Repair Your Ignition

The ignition switch, like all other machinery, loses its functionality with time. Aside from normal wear and tear, ignition switches can be damaged by keys breaking inside them or things being inserted into them, particularly by youngsters.

Continue reading “What Services Do Automotive Locksmiths Offer?”

How to Program a Transponder Key Without Original?

The vehicle keys have undergone lots of transformation due to the advancement of technologies. One of the common things found in modern cars is the transponder key. There is a chip in the transponder key, which transmits alphanumeric code to the ignition. As the transponder receives a message, the ignition gets activated, and you can start driving your car. 

This transponder key is highly secure and can verify the user’s identity. A vehicle, which relies on the transponder key, may not work without this key. However, without proper programming, other spare car keys can open your automobile’s doors. But, programming is essential to those transponder keys.

How to Program Your Car’s Transponder Key – A few Easy Steps

transponder key chip

Professional car key specialists buy a transponder key bypass kit to deal with the programming process for your transponder keys. Here we are sharing some easy steps to program transponder key without the original one-  

Step 1-

Find the ignition to put your transponder key into it then turn on the ignition for 10 minutes. Check the dashboard while using the key to activate your ignition. It helps in illuminating the car’s security lights. When you cannot turn on the security lights, you have to recharge the battery.

Step 2-

Turn on the security light for 15 minutes. You may use your stopwatch to find the time covered for the process. You have to be cautious in this step while watching the time.

Step 3-

When the set time is over, the light goes off. After 3 minutes, you can switch off the ignition system by turning off the transponder key. Turn back the key to choose the ON position. The process will repeat as the security system gets activated for 15 minutes.

Step 4-

Now, the security light will get turned off within a few minutes, and you have to ensure that the key is in the OFF position. When you find the security light turned on once more for 15 minutes, it has to cover 45 minutes. It helps in programming your transponder key without the original car key.

making transponder key

Duplicating The Transponder Key For Your Car –

You have now programmed a new transponder key for your car. However, you must duplicate it to stay secure. You need the right transponder key with 2 programmed keys for the duplication process. There are some easy steps to do it.

  • Like the above process, you have to place the functional transponder car key into the key to turn it on for 5 seconds. Repeat it with another available key. Ensure that you have set the accurate time. Use your watch to calculate the time properly.
  • Insert the new key for programing to the car. Check the security light and keep it activated for 4 seconds. The light is a signal of proper programming of the transponder key.

We have shown some easy steps for programming your car’s transponder key. However, when you find this process complicated, you can rely on professional car key specialists. They know about flip keys, transponder keys, and other vehicle keys. Krazy keys is the best automotive locksmith in Perth, we can help you to solve all your car key related problems


2020 Automotive Keys Market Trends

Due to improved technology and the need for top security in cars, there has been a need for the development of smart keys. Renowned motor vehicle car companies such as Toyota and Honda are developing high-end cars with smart keys. The keys use radio frequency(RF) signals and convert them into digital information.

In contrast, car ownership arrives with several disadvantages, one of the most common one being locked out of your car simply because you lost automotive keys or they got broken. In such hardship, car owners are advised to call Krazy key who can offer help in getting your motor vehicle unlocked. Continue reading “2020 Automotive Keys Market Trends”

Smart Car Keys with Latest Technology and its Future

In today’s world, many useful innovations are becoming accessible to the mass public, especially when it comes to the automobile industry. One of the most exciting and exciting development there are smart car keys which make issues such as lost car keys none existent. Continue reading “Smart Car Keys with Latest Technology and its Future”

How Can You Fix Broken Car Keys?

Broken Keys- The Height of an Awful Day

It’s early in the morning and you are almost late for an important meeting. With a cup of coffee in your hand, you rush towards your car. As if things couldn’t get any worse, you realize the car keys are broken. While we recommend calling car key specialists immediately, a short term solution can at least help you make it to the urgent meeting. After all, most car key specialists such as Krazy Keys Car Key repairing company are available 24/7 and you can always contact them later for permanent flip keys or transponder car keys solutions. Continue reading “How Can You Fix Broken Car Keys?”

Advantages of Using Locksmith Service for Car Key Repairing

How many times did you lose your car keys? How many times you tried the ignition and it fails since the key is broken? How many times do you lock yourself out without any spare to get in? These are some of the most common situations a car owner have to deal with inevitably. In a worst-case scenario, your car security system has the latest technology. This can be very frustrating and at the same time, can be stressful as well. You cannot call just any services provider just to fix your problem, DIY is not always advisable especially if your key lock technology has a very complicated system. Here are the obvious advantages when hiring professional car key specialists. Continue reading “Advantages of Using Locksmith Service for Car Key Repairing”

5 Things to Try When Your Car Keys Won’t Turn in the Ignition | Krazy Keys

So you’ve finally got your very own dream car. Indeed, it is a pleasure and very much life fulfilling for any car lovers. Not to mention that you invest most of your money into it by putting some accessories, lights, and everything that you can think of, just to make it look cooler than before. Continue reading “5 Things to Try When Your Car Keys Won’t Turn in the Ignition | Krazy Keys”

Smart Car Keys Technology Use to Secure Car From Theft

Over the previous years, we’ve seen some footage’s emerged of car thieves all around the globe. In fact, in a certain video, there were two car thieves which apparently stole a Mercedes from the owner’s driveway with less than a minute. It’s like watching a movie gone in 60 seconds. Though we all know that security locks for cars are getting more and more sophisticated, keep in mind that car thieves are also getting used to it and they are technically becoming tech-savvy themselves. Continue reading “Smart Car Keys Technology Use to Secure Car From Theft”