What Is the Right Size for Your Car Windscreen Wipers?

Car windscreen wipers are one of the most neglected parts of the car unless you need to use them. It can be no surprise that you find your window wipers are worn out or old to perform the job while it is snowing or raining.

The windscreen is an essential part of driving safely as it helps to clear the visibility. So, proper working of window wipers becomes vital to maintain safety when you are on the road during grimy driving or bad weather conditions. This also helps to offer a shield from swarms of insects. Changing car windscreen wipers are not a very challenging task requiring tools.

Most people do not give much importance to the size of the car windscreen wipers. It is fine if they are serving their job properly, but what about the future when you will need new window wipers?

There are many automotive locksmiths who can help you install a new one. However, choosing the right automotive locksmith Perth is important so that you get the best wiper blades and good services. In this guide, we will uncover all the details regarding car windscreen wipers and where to find the best automotive services.

window wipers

Installing New Window Wiper Blades

Window wipers help to swiftly remove all the obstruction coming on the car windows as soon as you flip the switch. Sometimes the wipers do magic alone, and sometimes they get the assistance of the installed car washer system.

However, when it becomes old or worn out, you may notice they begin to leave streaks across the window screen. Also, you may need to arch your neck or slouch it back to get optimal vision. That’s when your car windscreen wipers suddenly become a matter of concern.

Windscreen wiper blades are specific to the vehicles. Some vehicles may require the same size wiper blades, while others need different sizes. The optimal size of the wiper blade depends on the manufacturer. Also, you may measure the size of the existing wiper blades on your vehicle to know the size. Mostly, the size varies between 10 to 28 inches.

wiperworx wipers blades

If you replace your existing wiper blades with larger ones hoping to get a clearer area, one or both of them will hang off or hit the prime of the windscreen when upright. Again, if both wipers are longer than the required fit, they may strike each other and cause damage. So, it is better to check the manual before replacing the wiper blades and stay away from unwanted damage.

So, check whether your wiper blades are not working properly and if not, it’s time for you to replace them. Remember, you can replace the entire window wipers or only the rubber insert. For changing just the rubber insert, there is a need for only a set of needle-nose pliers. Whatever services you need for your car, Krazy Keys is the best in town! Known for its great services in automotive locksmith Perth, Krazy Keys helps you install the top wiperworx wipers blades on your vehicle to maximize your safety.